Friday, October 19, 2007

Bookmarking Battle

Recently I decided to switch my social bookmarking site from to Stumble Upon. Both sites have their pro's and con's and i decide to compair the two and decide on one in an effort to cut down on redundancy. Delicious is a great bookmarking site and it offers a good keyword search but after signing up for it i found myself rarely bookmaking sites with the toolbar. I found myself stuck in the past; adding bookmarks to my favorites list in my browser. But stumbleupon offers me a reason to use it. Unlike other bookmarking sites the toolbar of StumbleUpon has a button that will take you to a random site that is highly rated by the other 3.5 million users. It also allows you to rate sites you like while at the same time adding them to the favorites page of the site. The big advantage of these 2 bookmarking tools is that they allow you to view your most important or favorite sites away from your home computer.


Benjamin said...

I still haven't really embraced either of these. I'm sort of reluctant to use stumbleupon because I think it might be too good of a time waster/productivity killer. But well see.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Ben- I am hesitant to use social bookmarking tools because I am afraid that I will get obsessed with marking all of my favorite sites, and then I will have a massive lists! However, I really like how you compared the two sites. I am wondering though...what do you mean when you said it took you to a 'random' site that is rated by the other users?

Jennifer said...

I did the same! After learning about it in class I added delicious, but never wound up using it. Then I added StumpleUpon and I love it. The Stumble! button is great for times of boredom!

Cameron said...

Delicious design is not visually appealing to me and i signed up but dont use it at all. Stumbleupon is cool and allows you to find stuff that you never would have by basic search. however, stumbleupon is not perfect in generating sites that you always like. If you like funny photos it can bring up things that dont even apply. Its a very general. Stumbleupon def wins.